Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is Success?

The year is 2049 and I am 57 years old. I am retired with all the money one could desire. I hit it big in the banking industry, made millions, then walked away. As a young and naive 32 year old, at the time, I thought this was success. However, looking back money was the least important to the many aspects of my successful life. My children, wife, parents, brother, relatives, and friends all mean more to me than money ever did. One of my children is away at college, while the other is trying to achieve the same financial success I did years ago. We have great relationships and talk many times a week. As for my friends, I have tons. Most of them I see very often. It is great to know you will always have someone you can turn to and ask for help in times of need. My great health also contributes to my successful life. With this being said, I can't help but smile when looking back at all I have accomplished.