Monday, December 8, 2008

Do you think young people today value their education as much as Sara Smolinsky does? Why or why not?

Personally, I believe people today do not value education as much as Sara Smolinsky did in The Bread Givers. First, today many people did education for granted. In fact, I can't even imagine a world in which a formal education was rare among women. In the Bread Givers Sara willingly gave up her home and family to pursue her dream to become educated, allowing her to later become a teacher. Today, most people are educated no matter what. We don't have to fight for it, or give up our family and home for it, education today is just taken for granted by many students, including myself. All of Sara Smolinsky efforts went towards her dream of one day being educated and becoming a teacher. I feel there is no comparison between the way she valued education and the way students today value education. Sara Smolinsky was willing to sacrifice anything for an education. 

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Very true, back then education was not something you could take for granted unlike today. For Sarah, she was doing something unprecedented and had only one chance to better her life. But for us today, education is accepted and standard. Good post.