Thursday, January 15, 2009

Keeping Secrets

When I was little I used to keep many secrets. For instance, I once broke an expensive lamp in my basement, but never told my parents. I felt very guilty for what I had done. At night, it was very difficult to sleep, since I was always thinking of what I had done. Even when I slept, I could not escape what I had done. I would dream about terrible things and had many nightmares. For days I felt pretty paranoid about it. When my mom or dad would speak to me I would always feel nervous, even when the conversation was just about how my day was or what my plans were for the weekend. At times I avoided my parents in case they had found out about the instance. When my parents finally did find out about this days later they were surprisingly not too mad. They were more upset that I didn't tell them than the actual lamp. Next time I broke something I immediately told my parents and all worked out well. In conclusion, guilt may take a bigger tole on one's body than the actual punishment he will receive for his sin. 

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