Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's Inauguration

Barack Obama is the 44th president to be sworn into office. What makes this inauguration different from all others? Barack Obama is the first biracial (not black) president in United States history. president Obama has plenty to worry about, as America is in a recession. The stock market is not doing well, many are homeless and unemployed, and others are starting to spend money more carefully. Everyone knows president Obama can speak, but can he really carry out his promises. As an observer of the crisis that currently looms in America I question the readiness of president Obama. Unlike president Obama's speeches, the world is not scripted. There are things we can not expect and president Obama has a very difficult task ahead of him. Overall, it still was one of the most historical events in U.S. history. I am looking forward to how president Obama will improve our country. 

1 comment:

steve y said...

Well said. It's good to give credit when credit is due, but I feel like he's getting a ton of acclaim when he hasn't done anything yet. Just because he is a good orator does not mean he will be a good (or a bad, for that matter) president. We just have to wait and see, and not get hypnotized by his skilled speech-delivering and call him a good president by default.