Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is Heritage?

What is heritage? In the shirt story, “Everyday Use”, heritage is presented in two different ways. First, there is Dee. Dee tries to Africanize herself very much. She wears her hair tall, lavish jewelry, and loud clothing, as if she was an African princess. However, one must question, is she trying too hard to keep in touch with her roots? The answer is probably yes. Dee is faking a personality for the sole reason of trying to keep in touch with her roots. You should just be who you are and not have to fake anything about yourself.

Then, there is Maggie. Maggie does not fake anything about her. She is very much in touch with her heritage by simply being herself. She has assimilated into American culture, rather than put on a facade and act African like her sister has. Towards the end of the story there is a debate of who deserves these old hand-stitched quilts. Dee argues that Maggie will not appreciate them and will use them everyday. However, Maggie does not have to fake her image to appear close with her roots. So, who deserves the quilt? One can make an argument for both. I believe heritage is a combination of one’s traditional roots (Dee) and one’s new roots from the current country in which one lives (Maggie). Overall, this short story was pretty interesting and I hope we read more like this one.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Very good observation. However, I don't ever reading a "shirt" story lol. Sorry, just had to point that out.